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Finish every project right, every time.

Is your current wood finish brand just not cutting it?

You’re not alone. Many suppliers and manufacturers simply don’t deliver on their promises. If your company’s wood finishing efforts are looking sub-par, it’s probably time to switch up your supply.

Putting the finishing touches on a woodworking project is a responsibility that FinishWorks takes very seriously. That’s why we put together this helpful wood finishing guide: so you know you’re partnering with a team that can take you all the way across the finish line.

Wood Finishing Guide Cover w Shadow

Download our guide to discover what puts FinishWorks a cut above all the rest, as well as:

  • How wood finishing impacts overall project quality.
  • How to narrow down your finish options.
  • How to solve common coating challenges.
  • How to assess performance standards.
  • How our products complement your business model.
  • How to transition to a new supplier.

Plus additional wood finishing resources and plenty of advice for making the most out of your manufacturer relationships!

Fill out the adjacent form to access Why Your Current Wood Finish Brand Isn't Cutting It.

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